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June 2024 Issue of The Medicine Maker

The technology from classic science fiction is beginning to make an appearance in mainstream healthcare services and pharmaceutical manufacturing; check out our feature where experts discuss the use of Industry 4.0 in pharma and how it is forging the future – right now. Also in this issue, you’ll find articles on exploiting the unique environment of space for advanced drug development, the power of data in batch control and analysis, innovative milestones in cell culture media, and a look at the history and highlights of Achema. You can also sit down with Sandoz Global Head of Biologics and Injectables, Anne Marie de Jonge-Schuermans, who is also a member of Swiss Biotech Association.

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Articles featured in this issue

Manufacture Quality & Compliance

The Quest for the Golden Batch

| Eoghan Moloney | 4 min read

Data is power when it comes to batch-quality prediction and obtaining the coveted perfect profile.

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Open or Closed?

| Krishnendu Khan | 5 min read

How to find the right balance in cell therapy manufacturing.

Business & Regulation Advanced Medicine

Changing Regulation Around ATMPs in Europe

| Jamie Irvine | 4 min read

Preparing for the EU’s new HTA regulation and Joint Clinical Assessment process

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Five Thoughts: Cell Culture Media

| Sinan Ozer | 2 min read

Looking at key milestones, challenges, and innovations in cell culture media – and what lies in store ahead.

Business & Regulation Profession

The Start of a Journey

| Stephanie Vine | 6 min read

Meet Brad Hocking – a final year PhD student at Imperial College London who is passionate about small molecule drug discovery.

Discovery & Development Ingredients

USP: A Mission Focused on Quality and Safety

| Chaitanya Koduri | 11 min read

Following on from deaths attributed to contaminated medicines, here’s how the US Pharmacopeia is promoting testing for DEG and EG.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

The Clinical Cosmos: Exploring Medicine's New Frontier

| Deepika Khedekar | 7 min read

Deepika Khedekar explores the unique environment of space and its implications for clinical research.

Other issues of 2024