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Supply Chain

Manufacture Drug Discovery

Bringing Certainty to CAR T-Cell Discovery

| Jim Ross

How can we maximize the potential and production of potentially life-saving therapies?

Business & Regulation Supply Chain

Getting it Right from the Start: Simulation Optimizes Supply Chain Planning for Clinical Trials

| Benedict Hirth

Clinical supply chains are inherently dynamic and ambiguous, contributing to a high degree of uncertainty.

Discovery & Development Clinical Trials

The Global Stage

| Claudia Berron

When it comes to conducting clinical trials in emerging geographies, there are four key challenges to consider.

Manufacture Analytical Science

Nominations for the 2021 Innovation Awards

Nominations are now open for The Medicine Maker 2021 Innovation Awards.

Business & Regulation COVID-19

What Do We Do About Distribution?

| Stephanie Vine

COVID-19 vaccine rollout is a lottery, with some countries faring much better than others.

Manufacture COVID-19

Navigating the Uncertainty

| Lori Muffly

Lori Muffly believes collaboration and innovation – bolstered during the COVID-19 pandemic – will guide the future of stem cell transplant.

Manufacture COVID-19

The Greatest Medicine Making Challenge

| Stephanie Vine

How do we vaccinate billions of people? “Nobody wins the race until everyone wins.”

Business & Regulation COVID-19

Does the Vaccine Rollout Ensure Equitable Access?

| Maryam Mahdi

What are the challenges of ensuring COVID-19 vaccine access worldwide?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Is it Time to Onshore Your API Supply?

| Ben Wylie

COVID-19 has put the spotlight on the weaknesses of today’s highly dispersed, globalized pharma industry. Is onshoring the answer?

Manufacture COVID-19

The Demand Rollercoaster

| Paul Smaltz

How has COVID-19 consumer stockpiling affected the supply chains for pharma ingredients?

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