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Manufacture Small Molecules

Amine Alchemy

Complex amines from common chemicals - it's not magic, just clever chemistry.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Eyes on Expansion

| Stephanie Vine

A round-up of the latest expansion plans and new facilities as building fever grips the industry

Manufacture Vaccines

Teaching Old Drugs New Tricks

| Stephanie Vine

Could existing drugs be repurposed as a shortcut to treating Ebola?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Innovation Game

| Stephanie Vine

Big pharma is turning to outside sources to fill pipelines, but how often are companies backing the wrong horse?

Manufacture Small Molecules

Managing Mutations

| Stephanie Vine

Manufacturers must prove that new drug products are free of cancer-causing impurities

Business & Regulation Facilities

Sterility Fears at the NIH

| Stephanie Vine

How did the NIH get it so wrong – and how can it move on?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Price is Right?

| Charlotte Barker

Rising drug prices are not helping the industry’s image problem.

Manufacture Small Molecules

How to be Fast and Flexible

| Prashant Yadav

The biopharmaceutical sector is rapidly evolving – can your supply chain keep up?

Discovery & Development Clinical Trials

What Patients Want

| Abbe Steel

Most pharma companies want to become more patient focused. But how? You could start by simply listening more carefully.

Discovery & Development Formulation

How Does it Feel?

| James Humphrey

The feel of a topical formulation can make a big difference to compliance.

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