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Business & Regulation Business Practice

Power to the People

| Charlotte Barker

Who are the top 100 most influential people in drug development and manufacturing today?


The Medicine Maker Power List 2015

Ranking the 100 most influential people in drug development and manufacture.

Discovery & Development Formulation

What About the Kids?

| Jenny Walsh

Making medicines for pediatrics adds a whole new dimension to the challenges of formulation and drug delivery

Manufacture Small Molecules

Side Effects and Supercomputers

| Stephanie Vine

A group of researchers have used supercomputers to link proteins to drug side effects.

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

Making European Regulations Work

| Stephanie Vine

Pathways designed to bring medicines to market faster in Europe are not delivering the goods

Business & Regulation

Endolysins Vs MRSA

| Stephanie Vine

What is an endolysin? We spoke with Bjorn Herpers from the Regional Public Health Laboratory Kennemerland, Haarlem, in the Netherlands to find out.

Business & Regulation Small Molecules

United Science Stands

Sitting Down With… William Chin, Executive Vice President, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Our Unholy Alliance

| Lee DesRosiers

Science and business: tenacious partners in a shaky marriage or eternally bound nonidentical twins?

Discovery & Development Small Molecules

Electrifying R&D Acceleration

| Mark R. Taylor, Susana Da Silva Torres

Electrochemical reaction cells are finding new applications in the pharma R&D lab that could offer big time and cost savings.

Manufacture Standards & Regulation

Safety First - Sizing Up Biologics Side Effects

| Catherine Akers

Biologic medicines present unique challenges for pharmacovigilance. And with biosimilars hitting the market, life just got more complicated.

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