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Manufacture Small Molecules

(Anti)Bacterial Factory

| Stephanie Vine

Engineered E. coli colonies could be trump cards in the war against drug resistance.

Manufacture Biosimilars

Riddle Me This, Biosimilar

| Stephanie Vine

The first US biosimilar - Zarxio from Sandoz - has been cleared for market. But the judges say it wasn't an easy decision.

Manufacture Vaccines

Green Light for Malaria Vaccine

| Stephanie Vine

After 28 years of R&D at GSK, the world has its first malaria vaccine.

Manufacture Small Molecules

Highly Potent; Highly Targeted

| Stephanie Vine

A new mathematical model aims to improve drugs for cancer, viruses and bacteria.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Epidemic That Cannot Be Ignored

| Charlotte Barker

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has officially declared an “epidemic of prescription drug abuse”.

Manufacture Business Practice

Protein stability measurements amplified: Combining SEC-MALS and DLS to maximize data output

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

The stability of a protein sample and its tendency to aggregate is explored using a combination of SEC-MALS and DLS

Manufacture Biosimilars

Taylor Dispersion Analysis for assessing the self-association and stability of Insulin

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

Taylor Dispersion measurements are used to monitor self-association and oligomeric state in a variety of buffer conditions.

Manufacture Quality & Compliance

Architects of Quality

| Sponsored by Catalent

Quality by Design: we’ve all heard the phrase – and know we should be fully on board with the philosophy. But how?

Manufacture Small Molecules

Amine Alchemy

Complex amines from common chemicals - it's not magic, just clever chemistry.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Eyes on Expansion

| Stephanie Vine

A round-up of the latest expansion plans and new facilities as building fever grips the industry

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