Dorina Kotoni
Dorina Kotoni is Analytical Expert and Principal Scientist at Novartis, Basel, Switzerland. After gaining an MS in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dorina completed her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Sapienza University of Rome. First as a PhD student and later as a Post-Doc Fellow in Prof. Gasparrini ’s lab, Dorina’s research focused on the preparation and characterization of chiral stationary phases for enantioselective UHPLC and UHPSFC, as well as on the development of new HILIC materials for rapid speed analysis of carbohydrates. Her interest in both chiral and achiral UHPLC columns, has l ed to a more in-depth study of the parameters influencing chromatographic performance in UHPLC. Dorina is currently working in Novartis with a focus on the HPLC to UHPLC transition and HIL IC method development.