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Celebrating the Power List

The Medicine Maker was launched with a clear aim: to celebrate the people, processes and vision that bring new drugs and biologics to market. It’s fair to say that the pharma industry is not always looked upon favorably by the public – and though drug pricing, side effects, product recalls and corporate malpractice are topics that must never be ignored, it’s important that they do not overshadow the achievements, success stories and passion of the people who work in the industry. And so, The Medicine Maker Power List hails a hundred of the best and brightest individuals involved in bringing new drugs to patients, as nominated by readers and selected by an expert judging panel.

Our previous Power Lists, published in 2015 and 2016, each ignited much discussion – and a fair amount of controversy. For example, Mylan’s Heather Bresch topped the list in 2016, but has since been embroiled in a number of high-profile pricing arguments. Did she make the list in 2017?

No list can (or should) be definitive, but we do hope that our Power List shines a spotlight on the wonderful variety of talent that goes into bringing a medicine from bench to bedside. The 2017 Power List also brings with it a slight twist that recognizes an increasing number of nominees and their diverse backgrounds and expertise; drawing comparisons is challenging to say the least. To this end, we have divided the 2017 Power List into four categories:

  • Masters of the Bench – scientists and researchers whose late-night lab work lays the foundations for new therapeutics.
  • Industry Influencers – individuals who drive industry best practices and regulations, as well as new manufacturing techniques and technologies.
  • Business Captains – business leaders and entrepreneurs that turn scientific ideas into marketable medicines.
  • Champions of Change – patrons of the industry who are striving to make the world a better place by getting medicines to those who need them the most.

I hope you will all join me in offering a very warm congratulations to everyone who made the list. But if you don’t agree with the results (which is part of the fun), remember that the Power List will be back again in April 2018 – and nominations for the 2018 list are already open at:

Stephanie Sutton

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About the Author
Stephanie Vine

Making great scientific magazines isn’t just about delivering knowledge and high quality content; it’s also about packaging these in the right words to ensure that someone is truly inspired by a topic. My passion is ensuring that our authors’ expertise is presented as a seamless and enjoyable reading experience, whether in print, in digital or on social media. I’ve spent fourteen years writing and editing features for scientific and manufacturing publications, and in making this content engaging and accessible without sacrificing its scientific integrity. There is nothing better than a magazine with great content that feels great to read.

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