Although the discussion about the use of preservatives is still somewhat controversial, clinical evidence suggests that patients benefit from unpreserved eye drops especially in chronic conditions. During long-term treatment of diseases like dry-eye or glaucoma, preservatives in eye drops may worsen symptoms. Science has shown that the risks for patients experiencing severe local side effects increases significantly with the use of preserved ophthalmic medications. The experience of side effects when using eye drops as well as inconvenient handling may cause poor compliance.
Recognizing the trend towards preservative-free topical drugs, Aptar Pharma in 2011 launched the Ophthalmic Squeeze Dispenser (OSD), an innovative multi-dose eyedropper for unpreserved ophthalmic preparations. In the few years since then some 70 commercial references have become available on markets worldwide utilizing this patient-friendly technology. The key advantage of this technology certainly is that it allows maintaining microbiological integrity of unpreserved formulations thanks to a proprietary dispensing system. The system relies on pure mechanical measures to ensure microbial integrity of the complete system during storage and when in use. The OSD offers also a wide range of settings to meet the requirements of various ophthalmic formulations.
The microbiological safety of the OSD is qualified with the industry’s most challenging test procedures. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are consequently able to claim competitive storage and in-use periods. Patients and consumers also appreciate how convenient and intuitive it is to use the OSD. No particular instructions are required, the intuitive handling supports patient adherence.
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