Innovation Deadline
Nominations for The Medicine Maker 2019 will close on Friday, October 25.
The Medicine Maker Innovation Awards were first launched in 2015 to celebrate the top drug development and manufacturing technologies of the year. In our December 2019 issue, we’ll showcase the top 15 technologies released throughout 2019 – and readers will also be given the opportunity to vote on the overall winner.
Nominations are accepted from both users and vendors. Users are welcome to nominate the technology they use, while vendors may wish to highlight their latest product launches. The product must have been released (or planned for release) in 2019 and its expected impact on drug development or manufacture should be significant. The innovation can be a piece of equipment, IT software, formulation technology, drug delivery method or any other product or service that you think could fit the bill.
All entries will be assessed but due to the number of nominations received, we only contact companies if their technology is selected to appear in the December issue.
The nomination form is available at tmm.txp.to/innovations19-noms.
Entries close on Friday, October 25. If you have any questions, contact the Editor: [email protected].