Peter Seeberger
The Power List 2016

Peter Seeberger
Director at the Max-Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, and Professor, Free University of Berlin
Peter’s research covers a broad range of topics from engineering to immunology, and has been documented in over 420 peer-reviewed journal articles, more than 40 patents, and more than 750 invited lectures. His work on continuous chemistry, which he hopes will make drugs against malaria and HIV more affordable, won him and his collaborator, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, the 2015 Humanity in Science Award. “It’s motivating to be able to appear on this list twice!” says Peter. “Since the last list, we’ve had two big breakthroughs: the proof-of-principle for an expanded synthetic vaccine against S. pneumoniae and the development of a continuous process to produce the most important HIV medication. We are also about to submit several manuscripts describing vaccine candidates against dangerous hospital acquired infections.”