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Business Practice

Manufacture Business Practice

Taking the Transformative PATH

| Steve Davis

Steve Davis, President and CEO of PATH, and lecturer, Social Innovation, at Stanford University, California, USA.

Business & Regulation Advanced Medicine

Science Versus Trump

| Catherine Bollard

Proposed cuts to the funding of US scientific agencies will be detrimental to global health.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Continuous Control

| Jamie Clayton

If pharma wants to adopt continuous manufacturing, it must employ control procedures to ensure quality.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Bad Brexit Risks Lives

| James Strachan

Joint letter from eight trade associations warns of “supply disruptions to life-saving medicines.”

Business & Regulation Technology and Equipment

Pharma Backs Blockchain

| James Strachan

Will pharma adopt distributed ledger technology for data management within the next five years?

Manufacture Business Practice

One Century On

| Stephanie Vine

In 100 years, medicine is likely to be vastly different to what we can predict – or even imagine.

Manufacture Business Practice

Celebrating 200 years of history

Over the past 200 years JM has established itself as a world leader within the Pharma industry

Business & Regulation Business Practice

A Third Option

| James Strachan

As Article 50's clock continues to tick, will the UK reconsider EEA/EFTA membership?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Next Stop for Pharma Outsourcing

| Matthew Moorcroft

What do trends in small molecule drugs mean for contract manufacturers?

Manufacture Business Practice

Smashing the Stigma with Science

| Neil Mahapatra, Stephanie Vine

Neil Mahapatra gives the story behind a partnership with Oxford University to develop cannabinoid medicines

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