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Standards & Regulation

Manufacture Business Practice


| James Strachan

Collusion, pollution, and a pricing victory for pharma in California… what’s new in business?

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

The Great Off-Label Debate

| James Strachan

The FDA consults stakeholders over plans to loosen restrictions on off-label drug marketing

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

Side Effects? What Side Effects?

| James Strachan

Patients don’t always read drug risk information – even when they say they do

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

The Fight for Transparency

| James Strachan

The EMA says “yes” to transparency, but some pharma companies have other ideas.

Business & Regulation Packaging

Serialization Standardization

| Stephanie Vine

A consortium of vendors and pharma companies search for a single, serialization standard.

Business & Regulation Biosimilars

Negotiating GDUFA II

| James Strachan

Are reduced GDUFA fees on the horizon for contract manufacturers?

Manufacture Biosimilars

The optimization and scale-up of high shear granulation

This article explains how an inline probe was used to monitor a granulation at three different scales to confirm that, in each case, the granules produced were the same size, and more importantly produced tablets of identical quality as quantified by hardness.

Business & Regulation Formulation

All Aboard for Continuous Coating

| Jason Teckoe and Charlie Cunningham

Robust formulation and coating expertise are required to get the best results with continuous coating.

Manufacture Standards & Regulation

Regulating a 3D-Printed Future

| Akm Khairuzzaman

Sitting Down With… Akm Khairuzzaman, a 3D printing expert from the FDA.

Business & Regulation Biosimilars

Walking the Biosimilar Guideline

| James Strachan

Not all successful biosimilar applications in Europe follow guidelines to the letter

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