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Supply Chain

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Time Machine

| Sponsored by Eppendorf, Marken, Sartorius

Step into a future where science fiction meets reality – the world of cell and gene therapies.

Manufacture Contract Manufacturing Services

Navigating Market Changes: Piramal Pharma's Growth and Key Industry Trends

| Rob Coker

Stu Needleman, Chief Commercial Officer at Piramal Pharma Solutions, discusses the Biosecure Act and other big trends shaking up the industry

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

The Synergy of Science and Business

| Stella Vnook | 3 min read

Developing science is good; developing successful commercialization strategies is great.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

EFPIA Signs Up to Bolster EU Trade

| Rob Coker

EFPIA signs joint declaration championing open trade in the EU.

Business & Regulation Supply Chain

Fighting the Pirates: The Rising Threat of Counterfeits

Counterfeit medicines pose a significant threat to global health. A recent study uncovers alarming facts and emphasizes the need for solutions.

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Cryopreservation: Freezing Time in Cell and Gene

| 11 min read

Experts discuss the trends, challenges, and possibilities of cryopreservation for cell and gene – and how it can freeze time in manufacturing.

Business & Regulation Supply Chain

How Do We Make Supply Chains More Resilient?

| Ronald Kleijwegt | 3 min read

It’s time to go back to basics when it comes to pharmaceutical supply chains and preventing shortages.

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Integrated Expertise

| 7 min read

Experts from Lonza share how biologics and CGT can recognize the gaps and similarities that can be utilized to optimize cell culture media challenges.

Business & Regulation Formulation

Compounders Confounded

| Rob Coker

Why some stakeholders are not happy about the FDA’s removal of tirzepatide from the drug shortage list.

Manufacture Contract Manufacturing Services

Ready for Anything

| Rob Coker

The Alliance for RTU has been founded to accelerate and improve manufacturing quality, consistency, and regulatory efficiency.

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