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Trends & Forecasts

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Great British Exit

| James Strachan

The UK votes to leave the European Union: what happens next, and what are the implications for pharma?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Sustaining the Biopharma Boom: Train and Retain

When an industry grows rapidly, innovative approaches are required to ensure sustainable growth. Here, we speak to leaders at Ireland’s National Institute for Bioprocess Research and Training – NIBRT – to find out how a focus on talent, training and technology is changing the face of the field.

Discovery & Development Technology and Equipment

Trial Trailblazer

| Ibraheem “Ibs” Mahmood

Sitting Down With... Ibraheem “Ibs” Mahmood, President and Chief Executive Officer, DrugDev, founded in the UK and headquartered in King of Prussia, PA, USA.

Manufacture Business Practice

All Hail the ADC Heroes

| Christa Myers

Amazing innovation is happening all around us in the pharma industry. We should take the time to look outside of our own unique areas to congratulate the efforts of others.

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

Shaking Up European Drug Prices

| Stephanie Vine

Will future drugs in Europe be priced based on therapeutic outcomes?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

A Vouch for Caution

| James Strachan

Will expanding the Priority Review Voucher scheme defeat its original purpose?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Is Forecasting Futile?

| James Strachan

A survey-based report highlights wildly inaccurate drug demand projections

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Combining spectroscopy: a new approach to meeting new pharmaceutical challenges

Automated image analysis has been combined with Raman spectroscopy to achieve component-specific size and shape analysis of active ingredients, supporting and accelerating the commercialization of both innovator and generic pharmaceutical products.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Investigating the deagglomeration profiles of dry powder inhaler formulations

Which equipment can measure how the particle size delivered by a dry powder inhaler (DPI) changes as a function of applied air flow rate, providing a deagglomeration profile which can be used to compare the performance of different formulations in a device and improve drug delivery.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Detecting agglomerates within pharmaceutical formulations

Particle agglomeration can compromise the clinical efficacy of pharmaceutical products and must therefore be closely controlled. This article provides practical guidance on using automated imaging for efficient agglomerate detection.

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