eBook: What’s Hot in Small Molecule Drug Development?
Our eBook collates some of our top content in the small molecule space
Download our eBook to get a snapshot of innovation in the small molecule drug development space. Charles Johnson from Lonza Small Molecules writes about the growing pipeline for small molecules, and why complexity is increasing. He says: “Some people believe that the days of small molecule drugs are over – that pharma is now all about biologics and novel modalities, such as RNA and cell therapies. But this is far from reality. In 2021, the small molecule R&D pipeline was around 4 percent larger than it was the year before, with a record 8000 candidates in development.”
Meanwhile, Graeme Smith and Niall Martin from Artios look at the therapeutic opportunities in DNA damage response (DDR) beyond synthetic lethality. In particular, they focus on PARP inhibitors. They write, “Since olaparib gained market approval, mechanistic understanding in DDR biology has advanced, leading to a wave of companies exploring therapeutic opportunities that target new aspects of the DDR beyond synthetic lethality.”
We also speak with Biosortia founder Ross Young about mining the microbiome to find inspiration for new medicines, and catch up with scientists at MIT working on the development of new antibiotics.