FDA or EMA Novel Drug Approvals 2024: Anagrams Edition
So you know your small molecule from your AAV, but can you unscramble the names of these 2024 novel drug approvals?

It’s Christmas: a time for fun and games! Below you will find a list of 14 anagrams of drug names approved for human use in 2024 by either the US FDA or the European Medicines Agency (Nemluvio, Balversa, Ordspono, Elevidys, Adstriladrin, Ojemda, Xolremdi, Tevimbra, Imdelltra, Niktimvo, Winrevair, Anktiva, Alhemo, Exblifep). Can you match them all without cheating? Let me know how you get on: [email protected]
- Vomit kin
- In volume
- Mild later
- Older mix
- Doe jam
- Via tank
- Rin waiver
- Brave Tim
- Px belief
- Spoon Rod
- A holme
- Lab raves
- Trials and ID
- Idle vyes
- Niktimvo
- Nemluvio
- Imdelltra
- Xolremdi
- Ojemda
- Anktiva
- Winrevair
- Tevimbra
- Exblifep
- Ordspono
- Alhemo
- Balversa
- Adstriladrin
- Elevidys
Following a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s in Creative Writing, I entered the world of publishing as a proofreader, working my way up to editor. The career so far has taken me to some amazing places, and I’m excited to see where I can go with Texere and The Medicine Maker.