James Agalloco
The Power List 2017 – Industry Influencers

James Agalloco
President, Agalloco & Associates
Passion“Combining scientific principles and engineering insights to innovate in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Other industries have leveraged technology to a far greater extent than have pharmaceuticals, and have made great strides in both quality and efficiency. The biopharmaceutical industry can dramatically improve if it emulates what has been accomplished elsewhere.”Pivotal moment“When I was first asked to present a training course in the early 1980s by a good friend. Training has been a passion of mine ever since, and is a great way to give back what I’ve learned to others.”Change “Too much of what we do is based upon principles that made sense before computers, automation, and robotics. There needs to be a greater willingness to change in industry. So much has changed elsewhere in society, but much of the biopharmaceutical industry is little different from what was when I first joined the industry in the early 1970s. We need to embrace change and not avoid it.”