NextGen Now – The Future of Cell Therapy
There’s never been a better time to be involved in the advanced therapy medicinal product space.
sponsored by CRB

August 22, 2019 - 11:00am EDT / 4:00pm BST
There’s never been a better time to be involved in the advanced therapy medicinal product space. Results from the clinic continue to impress and commercial launches have shown that companies can tackle the manufacturing hurdles. Advanced therapies have traditionally required significant manual interventions because of a lack of dedicated equipment from vendors, but the situation is changing rapidly. What will facilities look like in five years’ time? The race to close and automate processes has already begun!
Join speakers Peter Walters and Emily Thompson, Process Engineers from CRB, as they discuss the importance of automating advanced therapy manufacturing, QC testing and warehousing, especially considering the immense variety of materials required for the many individual products and processes.
But automation goes beyond robots and machines. In this webinar you will discover the many other forms automation will take to facilitate cooperation.
Learning Objectives of Webinar
- The future trends in the advanced therapy medicinal product space
- The importance of automating manufacturing process and QC testing
- The impact new technology brings to individuals, products and processes
- Examples of how other forms of automation will enable higher levels of cooperation.
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