Scalable suspension culture of human pluripotent stem cells – Controlling expansion and cardiomyogenic differentiation
During this webinar we present how hPSC expansion as matrix-independent aggregates in suspension culture (3D) was successfully combined with cardiomyogenic differentiation.
sponsored by Eppendorf

Date: June 9th – 10am Eastern / 3pm UK / 4pm Europe
Event Overview
To harness the potential of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), abundant provision of their differentiated progenies is required. During this webinar we present how hPSC expansion as matrix-independent aggregates in suspension culture (3D) was successfully combined with cardiomyogenic differentiation. A multi-well screening approach was scaled-up to stirred-tank bioreactors applying controlled feeding strategies (Batch and Cyclic Perfusion) followed by differentiation.
Optimized conditions in 100 mL cultivations enabled the production of 40 million cardiomyocytes (>80% purity), the majority of which displayed ventricular-like action potentials and were directly applicable for bioartificial cardiac tissue formation, a potential strategy for heart repair, drug discovery and safety pharmacology.
- Learn about challenges in up-scaling hPSC suspension cultures and the latest achievements using stirred-tank bioreactors.
- Understand the role of bioreactor design for cell aggregate formation and
- Learn about tools and process parameters for controlled cultivation of stem cell cultures.
Date: June 9th – 10am Eastern / 3pm UK / 4pm Europe
Presented by:
Dr. Robert Zweigerdt
Principal Investigator, Hannover Medical School (MHH)
Robert Zweigerdt has been a Principal Investigator at Hannover Medical School since 2009 and is a group leader at the Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs (LEBAO). His research group aims at establishing processes for clinical-scale production of hPSCs and their efficient cardiomyogenic differentiation for heart repair.
Dr. Christof Knocke
Product Manager, Eppendorf
Christof Knocke has over 15 years of experience in biotechnology and joined Eppendorf as a Product Manager in 2010. Christof received his PhD in Biochemical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, where he focused on process development and scale up. Prior to joining Eppendorf he worked as a European Business Manager in charge of bioreactors and fermentation equipment.
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