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Looking to a Greener Future for the Process Industries

One of the most interesting parts of this year’s Achema is the increased focus on sustainability and going green. Not only is it good for the planet, but it’s also fascinating to see the innovation in this area, from developing new materials to replace plastic, to new processing technologies, and new approaches to plant design. 

Sustainability is a topic we are passionate about at The Medicine Maker – and it’s also a topic that a lot of people in pharma have a lot to say about. Check out our ebook featuring a compilation of sustainability-related articles. 

What about you? What topics have interested you the most at this year’s Achema? Let me know: [email protected].

This is the final day of our coverage but the show will also continue tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of the event and we wish all of you safe travels home!

Today's Must-See

From 10:00 (Foyer 5.1 and 6.1) - Career Day

Featuring a job board and the opportunity to network to find new career opportunities, whether you are a young professional or seasoned industry veteran.

13:00 - 13:30 (Lab Innovations Stage - 12.0) - Plastic in the Lab: What are the next steps?

Expert from Eppendorf looks at the problems of plastic-based lab consumables and what new materials might be able to help.

15:00 - 15:30 (Zeta Pharma Innovation Stage - 4.1) - Single-Use Technology Project management – CAPEX versus OPEX

How the increasing trend towards single use affects facility design, and what parameters need to be evaluated to make the right choice. 

15:30 - 16:00 (Zeta Pharma Innovation Stage - 4.1) - Making Pharmaceutical Freeze-Drying More Sustainable: A Two Pronged Approach

Lyophilization is a time and energy-intensive process but new innovations are helping to make the process more sustainable. 

Tomorrow's Planner

There’s still a lot to look forward to on the final day of the show. Presentations continue on the various stages. In the morning, presentations on the Zeta Pharma Innovation stage will focus on automation, modular production systems, and the concept of “Module Type Package,” which involves building process equipment assemblies like Lego bricks. 


If you’re a soccer fan, you’ve probably been counting down the days this week. The European Football Championship kicks off on June 14. Five matches will be held at Frankfurt Arena, with the first, Belgium vs Slovakia, taking place on June 17. There will also be a 1.4 km fan zone on the banks of the Main. All 51 games will be broadcast on screens – including a floating screen close to Friedensbrücke bridge in the river with a surface area of 720 inches.

Thought of the Day

“In 2015, the pharma sector created more than 50 megatons of carbon dioxide emissions, which, per revenue, is more than the automotive sector. Many people in pharma hide behind the fact that the industry does such important work for human health. Yes – we must prioritize and ensure patients and safety, but we also need to ask what we can do to lessen the impact of the industry on the environment.”

Hanns-Christian Mahler from CDMO ten23Health in an interview with The Medicine Maker.

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