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Business Practice

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Pfizer-Fuelled Rumors

| Charlotte Barker

Could the Pfizer–Hospira deal be a stepping stone to a company split?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Orphan Affordability

| Stephanie Vine

Research into rare diseases is on the rise, but are prices sustainable?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Collaborate or Stagnate

| Charlotte Barker

Can pharma get over its IP anxiety and embrace meaningful partnerships?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Rediscovering Innovation

| Duncan Emerton

If pharma is to retain its reputation as an innovator, companies must be brave enough to explore new areas, new targets and new technologies.

Manufacture Business Practice

Engineering Success

Sitting Down With… Andy Skibo, Executive Vice President, Operations at MedImmune, and Chairman of the ISPE.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Embracing Disruptive Technology

| Keith Williams

Big pharma must be more agile if it wants to make the most of the revolutionary advances that will shape the next decade.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Disposal Dispute

| Stephanie Vine

Who should pay for the disposal of unused medicines? Legal tussles continue over ‘drug takeback’ law in Californian county.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Power to the People

| Charlotte Barker

Who are the top 100 most influential people in drug development and manufacturing today?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Our Unholy Alliance

| Lee DesRosiers

Science and business: tenacious partners in a shaky marriage or eternally bound nonidentical twins?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Sharing Data – and Knowledge

| Steve Thomas

How to use a knowledge repository that doesn’t retire or leave you for a competitor.

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