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Manufacture Small Molecules

Continuous Progress

| Doug Hausner

It's time to get off the fence and get on board with continuous manufacturing.


Shark Attack

| Charlotte Barker

An innovative biotech is using shark proteins to boost biologics.

Manufacture Business Practice

Extending the boundaries of QbD

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

Paul Davies and Paul Kippax from Malvern Instruments examine how a QbD approach can inform analytical instrumentation design and manufacture...

Manufacture Business Practice

Wake Up to Smart Serialization

When it comes to anti-counterfeiting, you need to go beyond legislation, think ahead, and harness the competitive edge that serialization can offer.

Manufacture Facilities

Fill & Finish of the Future

| Susan Dexter

The technology has barely changed over the last 30 years – surely, it’s time for some long overdue innovation.

Manufacture Biosimilars

Biosimilars: the Big Picture

| Joshua Cohen

In the midst of wrangles over biosimilars naming and interchangeability, let’s not forget the key benefit...

Manufacture Drug Delivery

Click and Connect

Click chemistry creates biocompatible hydrogels for drug delivery and tissue engineering

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Public Perceptions

| Stephanie Vine

How much do the public really know about pharma R&D?

Manufacture Quality & Compliance

Mind the Gap

| Stephanie Vine

Some drug shortage prevention plans fail, while others succeed. Why? ISPE helps companies find the answer

Manufacture Biosimilars

FDA Ups Generics Oversight

| Charlotte Barker

A US government study reports progress – but also highlights shortfalls

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