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Manufacture Vaccines

The Conjuror of Conjugation: Lessons Learned with Andrew Lees

Andrew Lees lightheartedly states that he has built his career on two tenets: multivalency and being lazy. And it’s worked out well; while moonlighting as a magician, he has developed the conjugation chemistry behind some of the world's most-used vaccines. Here, he explains how he learned to combine science and magic.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Biopharma’s Continuous Future

| Sponsored by Pall Biotech

Traditional pharma manufacturers are already dipping their toes in the waters of continuous processing, but what about when it comes to biopharmaceuticals?

Manufacture Small Molecules

Beyond Counterfeiting

| Izzet Senol

Our experience with implementing serialization, has shown us that anti-counterfeiting is just one of its potential uses.

Manufacture Technology and Equipment

Better Together

| Vijay Chudasama

Antibody drug conjugates offer a great deal of potential for drug targeting, but what’s the best way of linking drugs and antibodies?

Manufacture Small Molecules

The Beginning of the End of Quality by Design

| Jasmine

Where did Quality by Design come from? Where will it lead to in pharma? And is there a day when the concept will no longer exist?

Manufacture Packaging

Packaging the Future

| Mike Schäfers

The term ‘packaging’ may not immediately evoke excitement – but without innovation in the field, some therapies wouldn’t even reach market. In other words, don’t judge a box by its cover because there’s more to packaging than meets the eye… and even more lies on the horizon.

Manufacture Small Molecules

Space Biology Awakens

| James Strachan

Can the stress of space force fungi to produce novel therapeutics?

Manufacture Technology and Equipment

Welcome to (Virtual) Reality

| Stephanie Vine

VR is creating a buzz, but is it a game changer or gimmick?

Manufacture Formulation

Solubilization challenges need new ways of bringing chemistry and engineering knowledge together

Hot Melt Extrusion helps to enable pharmaceutical companies to literally solve their solubilization issue.

Manufacture Packaging

Glass delamination brought under control

Dr. Bernhard Hladik from SCHOTT breaks down the delamination phenomenon and describes how pharma manufacturers can effectively fight back.

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