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Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Integrated Expertise

| 7 min read

Experts from Lonza share how biologics and CGT can recognize the gaps and similarities that can be utilized to optimize cell culture media challenges.

Manufacture Contract Manufacturing Services

Celebrating the Role of X-Ray Inspection

| Richard Parmee | 3 min read

The latest X-ray technology goes beyond foreign body detection, ensuring each dose is right first time – every time.

Manufacture Contract Development Services

The Geopolitical Impact on Outsourcing Decisions

Anna Codina from Bruker BioSpin discusses the Biosecure Act and how outsourcing could be affected.

Business & Regulation Formulation

Compounders Confounded

| Rob Coker

Why some stakeholders are not happy about the FDA’s removal of tirzepatide from the drug shortage list.

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

A Decade of Transformative Treatments

What trends and disruptions will shape the future of pharma? West’s Anya Harry gives her view.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

Addressing the Empire of Pain

| Jamie Irvine | 11 min read

How the pharma industry can help tackle the opioid crisis and advance treatments

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

Celebrating the final day of CPhI Europe

| Rob Coker

The highlights of the trade show and its conference agenda - day 3

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

CPhI Europe continues Today in Milan

| Rob Coker

The highlights of the trade show and its conference agenda - day 2

Manufacture Vaccines

Searching for a Syphilis Vaccine

| Stephanie Vine

How whole genome sequencing is being used to understand the bacterium that causes syphilis – and what it means for vaccine development.

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

Welcome to CPhI Europe!

| Rob Coker

The highlights of the trade show and its conference agenda - day 1

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