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Business & Regulation Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials in Safety Spotlight

| James Strachan

The EMA says it will review its standards for first-in-human trials

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Is Forecasting Futile?

| James Strachan

A survey-based report highlights wildly inaccurate drug demand projections

Discovery & Development Drug Delivery

Placental Payloads

| James Strachan

Tumor cells and phages inspire a new drug delivery method targeting the placenta

Discovery & Development Clinical Trials

The Ups and Downs of Medicine’s Vanguard

| Stephanie Vine

Cell therapy successes are widely hailed as breakthroughs, but will adverse effects and patient deaths hold the field back?

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Combining spectroscopy: a new approach to meeting new pharmaceutical challenges

Automated image analysis has been combined with Raman spectroscopy to achieve component-specific size and shape analysis of active ingredients, supporting and accelerating the commercialization of both innovator and generic pharmaceutical products.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Investigating the deagglomeration profiles of dry powder inhaler formulations

Which equipment can measure how the particle size delivered by a dry powder inhaler (DPI) changes as a function of applied air flow rate, providing a deagglomeration profile which can be used to compare the performance of different formulations in a device and improve drug delivery.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Detecting agglomerates within pharmaceutical formulations

Particle agglomeration can compromise the clinical efficacy of pharmaceutical products and must therefore be closely controlled. This article provides practical guidance on using automated imaging for efficient agglomerate detection.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Using Automated Light Scattering Measurements to Support Predictive Protein Formulation Screening

High concentration, low-viscosity, stable therapeutic protein formulations are needed to enable low-volume parental administration. This article explores how a fully automated light scattering system supports the rapid screening of small volume samples in well plates for the rapid identification of suitable biologics during early phase development.

Manufacture Business Practice

Using GPC/SEC for excipient characterization

OMNISEC measures the Critical Quality Attributes of polymeric pharmaceutical excipients with unrivalled sensitivity supporting their efficient use to formulate safe and effective pharmaceutical products.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Measurement and characterization of protein-LMW compound interactions

Measurement and characterization of binding interactions between proteins and low-molecular weight (LMW) ligands are a focus of academic research and drug discovery. Isothermal titration calorimetry directly measures heat released or absorbed in a binding event, providing means for studying protein-small molecule interactions in solution without the need for labeling or immobilization. Importantly, ITC is often utilized to characterize differences in entropic and enthalpic contributions to binding of novel ligands.

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