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Discovery & Development Business Practice

Assessing Drug Encapsulation Efficiency using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

In this application note we describe the use of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) for size and concentration measurements of drug delivery nanoparticles. In addition, by using a fluorescently tagged drug molecule, it was possible to determine how many drug delivery nanoparticles had successfully been loaded with drug molecules.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

NanoSight Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis Concentration Measurement

The ability to compare concentration data across users, instruments and sites is a key requirement for many applications. Concentration repeatability and reproducibility are greatly improved with the application of the NTA concentration measurement upgrade, which has also been shown to reduce the influence of user selected capture and analysis settings on measurements. This application note describes the improvement in accuracy and precision of concentration measurements over a wide range of sample sizes, concentrations and materials.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Relative viscosity screening of monoclonal antibody formulations at low concentration and viscosity

Viscosizer TD provides automated relative viscosity measurements with high reproducibility at low viscosity, to help identify molecules with abnormally high viscosity-concentration profiles at low sample concentrations as early as possible in the development pipeline

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Helping or Hindering Science?

| Michael Merrifield, Chris Leigh

Astronomers Chris Leigh and Mike Merrifield debate how a potential Brexit might impact UK science

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Why the BIA Says No to a Brexit

| Steve Bates

Steve Bates, CEO of the British BioIndustry Association (BIA) explains why he thinks the UK bioindustry is stronger inside the European Union.

Discovery & Development Quality & Compliance

Language as Quality Control...

| Steven Schultz

... or sonicate until the cockroaches disappear. When writing is central to the job of assuring health, safety, and quality, can you afford to be loose with language prone to misunderstanding? Why take a chance? Here are a few strategies to edit your written work for quality control.

Manufacture Vaccines

The Conjuror of Conjugation: Lessons Learned with Andrew Lees

Andrew Lees lightheartedly states that he has built his career on two tenets: multivalency and being lazy. And it’s worked out well; while moonlighting as a magician, he has developed the conjugation chemistry behind some of the world's most-used vaccines. Here, he explains how he learned to combine science and magic.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Trials and Tribulations

| Angus Dalgleish

Angus Dalgleish tells us about his experience with EU regulation – and why he thinks Britain should leave the EU.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Biopharma’s Continuous Future

| Sponsored by Pall Biotech

Traditional pharma manufacturers are already dipping their toes in the waters of continuous processing, but what about when it comes to biopharmaceuticals?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Great British Debate

| James Strachan

As politicians and the public argue over the minor point of the UK leaving Europe, we ask a more important question: what will a “Brexit” mean for the global pharmaceutical industry?

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