Assessing Critical Quality Attributes and Structural Conformation of Biotherapeutics by HDX-MS
Join the webinar to hear how advanced ionisation techniques give additional structural insights into protein conformation.
sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Full structural characterization is critical in biopharmaceutical development where the subtle but critical local conformational changes of a therapeutic protein can impact safety and efficacy.
Hydrogen deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool for studying the dynamics of higher order structure of protein-based therapeutics. The rate of hydrogen-to-deuterium exchange within the amide hydrogen on the backbone of biotherapeutics provides solvent accessibility information and thus protein structure and conformation can be inferred.
Learn from experts at Genentech and Thermo Fisher Scientific how HDX-MS can be employed to monitor critical quality attributes of protein therapeutics.
See how Orbitrap-based HDX MS using the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid MS offers a robust method for the analysis of protein conformation and conformation dynamics. Join the webinar to hear how advanced ionisation techniques give additional structural insights into protein conformation.
Learning Objectives of Webinar
- Learn how HDX-MS can provide a high resolution structural comparison of biotherapeutics with high sensitivity and speed.
- Learn how the potential quality impact of product variants can be assessed through various tools including HDX-MS.
- Learn how HDX-MS can be used to get structural insights into the higher order conformation of therapeutic proteins
- Learn how electron transfer dissociation for HDX-MS top-down & bottom up methods are developed and see how multi fragmentation methods support protein sequence coverage
- See how those methods were successfully applied to study apo-, holo- calmodulin conformation forms.