Laboratory Powder X-ray Diffraction System used for Pharmaceutical Challenges

contributed by Malvern Panalytical |
Pharmaceutical Challenges Aided by a Laboratory Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) System
This document explores a number of ways that today’s modern, laboratory-based PXRD instrumentation and advanced software can greatly assist pharmaceutical scientists in their quest to develop high quality, stable products and accelerate their speed to market. All applications described and many more can be performed on a single PXRD instrument.
Detecting the Presence of Trace Polymorphs and Impurities
In the pharmaceutical industry, the detection of polymorph traces is one of the most important applications for powder X-ray diffraction. The need for better limits of detection (LOD) is driving advances in detector and optical technologies. While classical PXRD con gurations were purported to have a limit of detection (LOD) in the range of 0.5-2%,1,2,3 modern systems with specially designed optics can have detection limits below 0.1%, up to an order of magnitude below the commonly believed detection limit. These optics achieve excellent LOD by suppressing the continuous radiation (Bremsstrahlung) and therefore improving the signal to noise ratio in the data.
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