10 Years of Pharma Innovation: Top Features from The Medicine Maker
Celebrate a decade of pharma innovation with The Medicine Maker’s top features, from cancer vaccines to CRISPR breakthroughs.

The Medicine Maker is celebrating its 10-year anniversary! Here, we take a walk down memory lane with some of our top features, including pharmaceutical video games, CDMOs versus COVID-19, CRISPR gene editing, and more. These articles are longer reads that dive into a topic in depth. Grab yourself your beverage of choice and get comfy!
Cancer Vaccines: Activate the Immunosoldiers – Part I
What’s all this talk of cancer vaccines? We find out how they work – and how mRNA has boosted the field – with the help of five experts.
Manipulating the Fabric of Life
How CRISPR genome editing technologies are shaping the future of drug development.
A History of Missed Opportunity
Decades' worth of exclusion has resulted in a knowledge gap in the women's health sphere. But as pharma companies reevaluate their approach to medicine making in this area, they will have to acknowledge the past that has contributed to the current R&D outlook.
Making Life a Little Bit Sweeter
Eliminating infectious diseases that lead to blindness in Africa – an eye-opening view from the frontlines.
The Story Behind Akili Interactive’s FDA-Approved Video Game
How Akili won FDA approval for EndeavorRx – the first “game-based digital therapeutic” for children with ADHD.
Ditching the Egg: An Alien Concept
When it comes to influenza, chicken egg-based vaccines have achieved much, but emerging approaches are ready to fly the coop – and they might just be something to shout about.
A Call to Arms for Antimicrobial Resistance
Investment into new antimicrobial therapies has been lacking for decades – and now we’re now paying the price. We don’t have enough drugs to fight the superbugs.
COVID-19: The Lessons We Have Learned
What are the biggest lessons that the pharma industry has learned from the COVID-19 pandemic? Members of The Medicine Maker Power List 2022 provide their views.
Welcome Onboard!
The pharma industry is steaming ahead with the development of new medicines and technologies, but is it attracting the talent it needs to continue its current success? Industry experts share their tips on how companies can improve their hiring tactics…
Weathering the Storm Together - Part 1
Much praise has been lavished on pharma companies for quickly developing effective COVID-19 vaccines, but big pharma rarely works alone. CDMOs tend to fly under the radar of the general public, but their efforts have been absolutely crucial in our collective pandemic response. Here, we ask five CDMO gurus how they reacted to COVID-19 – and how the pandemic will shape the future of outsourcing and collaboration.