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Business Practice

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Great Rebrander

| Maryam Mahdi

What makes pharma so good at rebranding?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Continued Education

| Maryam Mahdi

Pfizer is supporting homelearners amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Manufacture COVID-19

Biopharma Banding Together

| Bill Jarvis

How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the industry? And how can we respond faster next time?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Making Money Through M&As

| George Chressanthis, Aditya Bhandari, Rashi Thaper

Do pharma mergers and acquisitions improve R&D productivity and increase shareholder value?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Pandemic Diaries

How is the business of making medicine changing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Access Not Denied

| Stephanie Vine

When developing countermeasures against COVID-19, resource-poor settings should not be forgotten.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Human Touch

| Sunil Jha

What measures can companies take to ensure the safety of their employees amid the COVID-19 outbreak?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Devoted to Men’s Health: Lessons Learned with Robert Dudley

| Robert Dudley

Robert Dudley reveals his lessons learned and shares how he has tackled the challenges of launching the first oral TRT softgel approved by the FDA.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

COVID-19 in Brief

| Maryam Mahdi

What’s new in business?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

COVID-19: Navigating the New Norm

| Maryam Mahdi

Under pressure to deliver results, how can the pharmaceutical industry handle the current COVID-19 crisis to help patients around the world?

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