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Business Practice

Business & Regulation Advanced Medicine

C&G Therapy? That’ll Do NICEly

| James Strachan

Nick Crabb explains the UK’s health technology assessment agency's (NICE's) approach to cell and gene therapies.

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

Ask, and Ye Shall Receive

| James Strachan

Regardless of how Britain leaves the European Union, the global pharma industry must always lobby for positive change.

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

Mergers and Big Decisions

| George Chressanthis, Randy Risser

Why the CVS-Aetna merger could be a transformative event for the pharmaceutical industry.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Facing the Brexit Trial

| James Strachan

No-deal Brexit poses unique challenges for the development and advanced therapy sectors, not least tight timelines and a limited ability to stockpile.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

China’s Changing Future

| Minzhang Chen

The Chinese pharmaceutical market is already more advanced than many in the West imagine – and it only looks set to go in one direction.

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

Pharma in the Firing Line

| George Chressanthis, Charlie Thompson

With the US back to divided government, the US pharma industry could be the number one target for politicians.

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

The Pharma Playground

| Stephanie Vine

As ever, our industry will have to deal with its fair share of sociopolitical “fun” in 2019. But what can we do?

Business & Regulation Profession

Power to You!

| James Strachan

2019 Power List nominations close in just one month. Who’s in the running? Well, that’s up to you…

Business & Regulation Business Practice


| Stephanie Vine

Mega mergers, state-of-the-art stem cell facility and humorous pharmaceutical ads… What’s new for pharma in business?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Staying the Course

| James Strachan

Sitting Down With… Stanley Crooke, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer at Ionis Pharmaceuticals.

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