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Business Practice

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

Breaking Bad Language

Can certain buzzwords really sway public perceptions of a new drug?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

M&A Merry-Go-Round

| Charlotte Barker

Round and round she goes, where she stops nobody knows. How will the current merger and acquisition fever affect the industry?

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Contribution of variable domains to the stability of humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibodies

The rapid growth of the therapeutic antibody market has increased the interest in modeling of the antibody structure...

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Application of microcalorimetry in drug discovery at Exelixis

In this report, we illustrate the utility of calorimetry in making better laboratory decisions.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Evaluating the rheological properties of hyaluronic acid hydrogels for dermal filler applications

This study shows how rheology and particle size measurements can be used to characterize the physical properties of HA dermal fillers.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

The application of MicroCal VP Capillary DSC at a contract development organization

A case study involving the formulation development of a monoclonal antibody is presented to detail the utility and potential limitations of DSC in support of preformulation for a variety of protein products.

Business & Regulation Small Molecules

An Instinct for Innovation

| Stephanie Vine

Sitting Down With... John Talley, Chief Scientific Officer at Euclises Pharmaceuticals, St. Louis, USA.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Harnessing Emerging Markets

| Ambuj Jain

How can the pharma industry capitalize on the growth potential of emerging markets?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Fighting Spirit

| Stephanie Vine

Grant Lindman is director of Eli Lilly’s global anticounterfeiting operations and is passionate about fighting fake medicines.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Problem of Counting Counterfeits

| Stephanie Vine

Recently, Tim Mackey and colleagues examined the extent to which counterfeit drugs had penetrated global legitimate supply chains.

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