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Standards & Regulation

Business & Regulation Small Molecules

Patients Above Profits

| Stephanie Vine

Civica Rx has its eye on ANDAs.

Business & Regulation Small Molecules

Drug Shortage Demands

| Stephanie Vine

Action is required to put an end to drug shortages.

Business & Regulation Small Molecules

Addressing the Quality Issue

| Maryam Mahdi

What can be done to improve the quality of APIs sourced from China and India?

Manufacture Process Control

A Circular Debate

| Maryam Mahdi

Is the industry ready for continuous manufacturing?

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

On to New Pastures

| Maryam Mahdi

Dutch authorities hand over the keys to the EMA's new building in Amsterdam.

Manufacture Ingredients

It’s In the Water

| Maryam Mahdi

Could the pharmaceutical industry do more to prevent waste entering our water supplies?

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

Relieving the Burden

| Maryam Mahdi

The EMA has granted conditional marketing approval for Ervebo, the first vaccine to protect against Ebola.

Manufacture Supply Chain

Post-FMD, Post-Problems?

| Allan Bowyer

What challenges are companies facing in the post-FMD climate?

Manufacture Business Practice

The Importance of Access

Sitting Down With... Chip Davis, President and CEO of the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM).

Manufacture Small Molecules

Bang the Drum

| Stephanie Vine

Pharma companies have been raising awareness for years, but patients continue to buy counterfeit medicines online.

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