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Drug Delivery

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Relative viscosity screening of monoclonal antibody formulations at low concentration and viscosity

Viscosizer TD provides automated relative viscosity measurements with high reproducibility at low viscosity, to help identify molecules with abnormally high viscosity-concentration profiles at low sample concentrations as early as possible in the development pipeline

Manufacture Packaging

Packaging the Future

| Mike Schäfers

The term ‘packaging’ may not immediately evoke excitement – but without innovation in the field, some therapies wouldn’t even reach market. In other words, don’t judge a box by its cover because there’s more to packaging than meets the eye… and even more lies on the horizon.

Discovery & Development Drug Delivery

Microparticles, You’ve Been Thunderstruck

| James Strachan

Scientists use hydrophobic plasma and AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ to coat porous silicon microparticles for drug delivery

Discovery & Development Drug Delivery

Around the World in 80 Microbes

| William Aryitey

Drug discovery doesn’t always begin in the lab…

Manufacture Drug Delivery

Harnessing Adeno-Associated Viruses

| James Strachan

AAV vectors are a promising tool for gene therapy and regenerative medicine, but only if they can be manufactured efficiently

Discovery & Development Technology and Equipment

Bio-Responsive Insulin Delivery

| James Strachan

A “smart” synthetic patch uses live pancreatic cells to painlessly deliver insulin through microneedles – on demand

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Morphologically-Directed Raman Spectroscopy used for the characterization of protein aggregates in suspension

This application note explores the use of the Morphologi G3-ID for Morphologically-Directed Raman spectroscopy (MDRS) to identify and analyze contaminants including protein aggregates present in a stressed sample of lysozyme, and to compare particles held in suspension within a thin path wet cell with those collected on a filter membrane.

Manufacture Business Practice

Assessing the effect of formulation composition on spidroin charge and stability

Work performed in conjunction with Spiber Technologies, Uppsala, Sweden. Use of dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering to assess the effects of protein formulation composition

Manufacture Drug Delivery

Ready to Break the Mold?

| Sponsored by Schott

Pharma suppliers are teaming up to take ready-to-use technology to the next level.

Discovery & Development Drug Delivery

Micro-Formulating for Dermal Drug Delivery

| Sponsored by BASF

Industry is beginning to appreciate how formulation microstructure makes a fundamental contribution to dermal drug delivery – and this new understanding emphasizes the key role of excipients.

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