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Manufacture Business Practice

Saving Lives by Design

| Stephanie Vine

An exhibition in London explores the relationship between graphic design and health.

Manufacture Standards & Regulation

Serialization Blind Spots

| Pavel Lotkov

Serialization is far from simple, and many companies overlook key aspects

Manufacture Standards & Regulation

What’s on the Box?

| William Aryitey

The US and and EU deadlines are approaching, but is the industry ready for serialization?

Business & Regulation Packaging

Serial Killer?

| Jean-Marie Aulnette

Data management is a key factor for success with serialization

Discovery & Development Packaging

The Art of Science

| Stephanie Vine

An art gallery at Pharmapack showcased the artistic side of primary drug packaging

Discovery & Development Packaging

The Perfect Package

| Ajith Nair

Are current guidelines around packaging and product degradation up to scratch?

Manufacture Small Molecules

Serial Indecision

| Jean-Luc Lasne

With so many serialization solutions available, where do you start to make a decision?

Business & Regulation Packaging

Serialization Standardization

| Stephanie Vine

A consortium of vendors and pharma companies search for a single, serialization standard.

Manufacture Biosimilars

The optimization and scale-up of high shear granulation

This article explains how an inline probe was used to monitor a granulation at three different scales to confirm that, in each case, the granules produced were the same size, and more importantly produced tablets of identical quality as quantified by hardness.

Manufacture Business Practice

The Innovation Awards 2016

| Stephanie Vine

Nominations are open for The Medicine Maker 2016 Innovation Awards.

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