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Business Practice

Manufacture Business Practice

What Price Glory?

| Ann Hayes

The pharmaceutical industry receives its fair share of both praise and scorn. Behind the politics, the hard work and impressive achievements of legions of industry researchers often go unnoticed.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Parting Shot

| James Strachan

Sir Andrew Witty seeks to cement his legacy as GSK addresses patents and medicines access in the developing world

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Mega-Merger Not To Be

| James Strachan

A newly introduced tax law in the US puts an end to the would-be mega-merger between Pfizer and Allergan

Business & Regulation Business Practice

A Battle of the Sexes

The Power List is back, but is it a fair representation of the male to female ratio in our industry?

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Morphologically-Directed Raman Spectroscopy used for the characterization of protein aggregates in suspension

This application note explores the use of the Morphologi G3-ID for Morphologically-Directed Raman spectroscopy (MDRS) to identify and analyze contaminants including protein aggregates present in a stressed sample of lysozyme, and to compare particles held in suspension within a thin path wet cell with those collected on a filter membrane.

Manufacture Business Practice

Assessing the effect of formulation composition on spidroin charge and stability

Work performed in conjunction with Spiber Technologies, Uppsala, Sweden. Use of dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering to assess the effects of protein formulation composition

Manufacture Business Practice

Catapulted to the Top

Sitting Down With... Keith Thompson, CEO of the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, UK.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

The Numbers Game

Statisticians are vital in the pharma industry, but rarely do they receive public fanfare for their work. The Award for Statistical Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry aims to change the status quo.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

The Bright Star of Open Innovation

| Niclas Nilsson

Pharma companies are notoriously protective of their intellectual property, so it’s a big deal to open up and give knowledge away for free. Nevertheless, it is the path that LEO Pharma took with its Open Innovation platform – and they’ve learnt that, if you give a little away, you can expect much in return.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Pharma Thieves

A new study estimates that 11.6 billion euros’ worth of goods are being stolen across Europe each year – but what about pharmaceuticals?

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