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Analytical Science

Discovery & Development Formulation

Therapeutic protein products used for the differentiation and characterization of subvisible particulates

This application note provides an example of how Archimedes can be used to detect and quantify the formation of protein sub-visible particles and the introduction of silicone oil droplets, in response to shear stress.

Manufacture Analytical Science

From UV to MIR: the biomass monitoring spectrum

| Dörte Solle, Philipp Biechele, Christoph Busse and Thomas Scheper

Can sophisticated (spectroscopic) sensors streamline bioprocess monitoring to better meet FDA standards?

Manufacture Analytical Science

Not Spoiling the (Biopharma) Broth

| Dörte Solle, Philipp Biechele, Christoph Busse and Thomas Scheper

Can sophisticated (spectroscopic) sensors streamline bioprocess monitoring to better meet FDA standards?

Discovery & Development Drug Delivery

A Future of Printing Powders?

3D printing is starting to sound attractive - but we really need to understand our powders.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Design and formulation of nanomedicines

In this white paper the specific mechanisms by which nanoparticles are designed and formulated for therapeutic purposes and in which NTA has had a significant part to play is discussed.

Discovery & Development Biosimilars

Taylor Dispersion Analysis explained

Taylor Dispersion Analysis is an ultra-low volume, microcapillary flow technique for sizing and stability of biomolecules in complex solutions, and offers advantages for orthogonal and complementary biophysical characterization measurements.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Accelerate liquid formulation development for protein biopharmaceuticals

The work presented here illustrates how Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is used in the early stages of protein characterization to rapidly provide critical data about protein stability that can be used as a guide to support and accelerate liquid formulation.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Reverse engineering of a pharmaceutical formulation

The Morphologi G3-ID can be used to generate component-specific particle size and shape data required to aid the reverse engineering of solid oral dose formulations. Here, we provide an example case study for a powder formulation.

Discovery & Development Drug Delivery

Screening, Identifying, and Quantifying Potential Genotoxic Compounds with High Resolution LC/MS

Analysis of chlorhexidine drug substance using an Agilent 6545 Accurate Mass Q-TOF System and MassHunter Mass Profiler Software.

Discovery & Development Business Practice

Thinking Inside – and Outside – the Box

Sitting Down With... Diane Paskiet, Director of Scientific Affairs at West Pharmaceutical Services, USA.

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