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Analytical Science

Discovery & Development Analytical Science

Ultra-Engineering UHPLC from Scratch

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Incremental improvements to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) have failed to deliver the tangible advances that researchers really want. Sometimes, a full overhaul by re-engineering from the bottom-up is the only way to innovate and move the field forward.

Manufacture Analytical Science

Smart Sensor Capsule

| Stephanie Vine

A capsule being developed in Ireland aims to contain not medicine, but process analytical technology.

Discovery & Development Standards & Regulation

Understanding Acceptable – Analytical Method – Submissions

| Marie Morin

Digesting regulatory guidance is not always easy, but understanding the main points – and then paying attention to the details – will improve your chances of success.

Discovery & Development Analytical Science

Data: Wanted Dead or Alive

| Ryan Sasaki

Can R&D organizations really afford to kill off analytical data that could be used for future decision-making?

Manufacture Analytical Science

Piecing Together Protein Analysis

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

In-depth analysis of original and new candidate drugs for biosimilars is easier than ever before…

Manufacture Standards & Regulation

A New Era of E&L Analysis

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

New technologies for extractables and leachables testing of small molecules and biopharmaceuticals.

Business & Regulation Business Practice

The Journey from Chemist to Entrepreneur

| Elizabeth Thomas

Starting a bioanalytical research company after years working for Big Pharma has been daunting…

Discovery & Development Technology and Equipment

All Eyes on Antibiotics?

| Harparkash Kaur

More quality control testing is needed to ensure that antibiotics don't become targets for fraudsters.

Manufacture Analytical Science

Quantum Leap in Real-time Monitoring?

| Stephanie Vine

Continuous monitoring of pharma products with an innovative matchbox-sized laser

Discovery & Development Standards & Regulation

Holistic Bioanalytics in the Clinic

| Sponsored by Agilent

Lawrence (Larry) Lesko is a bioanalytical veteran with many years of academic and FDA experience under his belt.

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