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Discovery & Development

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

Closer to the Boundary

| Angus Stewart

A Korean team have conducted a study on a peptide that could help to produce medicines capable of crossing cell membranes and interfering with PPIs.

Discovery & Development Clinical Trials

Taking the Trial to the Patient

| Stephanie Vine

The way the pharma industry has traditionally handled clinical trials does not make participation easy.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

Painted Cells and Scrambled Jigsaws

| Angus Stewart

Work at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology has revealed a welcome surprise: a potential new class of COVID-19 drugs.

Discovery & Development Drug Delivery

Flipping the Tortoise

| Angus Stewart

A pill developed at MIT and inspired by tortoises could replace injections for monoclonal antibody therapies.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

A Reawakening of Small Molecule Drug Development

| Marcelo Bigal

Emerging technologies are proving that small molecules aren't yesterday's news.

Discovery & Development COVID-19

A Moonshot for COVID-19

| Angus Stewart

Meet the international coalition working to tackle COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

What a Difference a Year Makes

| Maryam Mahdi

How a drug approval changed the lives of patients living with rare disease.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

X2: Researchers United

| Angus Stewart

An institute for the gifted with X in its name, presided over by a wise doctor, has launched two new projects. Somebody call Magneto!

Discovery & Development Vaccines

Comirnaty for the Community?

| Stephanie Vine

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine receives full FDA approval.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

Staying on the Track to Eradication

| Rosanne Rotondo

A diverse range of malaria treatments will make all the difference in the prevention of resistance.

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