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Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Continuous Investment

| Stephanie Vine

How a collaborative project aims to cut the cost of gene therapy

Manufacture Supply Chain

Search and Destroy

| Joannis Manolopoulos

Serialization will certainly help in the battle against counterfeiters, but there are other steps that manufacturers can take.

Manufacture Technology and Equipment

Back to Nature

| Bill Whitford

It’s time for pharma to leave behind the highly energy-dependent and inflexible processes of the 20th century. Let’s “biologicalize” manufacturing.

Manufacture Technology and Equipment

Medicines Anywhere, Anytime

| Govind Rao

Why use a huge manufacturing facility when biological medicines can be made in a suitcase?

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Command and Control Your Bioprocess

| Philipp Nold

The stem cell industry needs to embrace bioprocess control systems to develop consistent, high quality, and commercially viable bioprocesses.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Process Intensification: Getting More From Less

| Serena Fries Smith

Intensifying or simplifying your bioprocess can mean more product, shorter manufacturing times, or lower costs.

Manufacture Quality & Compliance

Staying Flexible

| Firman Ghouze, Uriel Kusiatin

Rather than fearing the unknown, the concept of optionality can help you better manage it.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Adding Versatility with Single-Pass TFF

| Sponsored by MilliporeSigma

Single-pass TFF is a convenient means of reducing volumes, column sizes and hardware costs, as well as eliminating tank bottlenecks...

Manufacture Technology and Equipment

Strokes of Genius: The Innovation Awards 2018

| Stephanie Vine

The 2018 Innovation Awards are here! From capsules, to software, to high-tech mass spectrometers; we celebrate the advances of the field.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Trials of a Medicine Maker

Where is this variability come from? It's time for Gene and Eva to investigate!

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