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Business & Regulation Supply Chain

A Whole Hog of Problems

| Maryam Mahdi

Six members of the US's congress demand answers from the FDA as the risk of heparin shortages loom.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Trials of a Medicine Maker

Gene's ingenuity catches Eva off guard, but is all as it seems?

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

Five Steps You Won't Want to Miss When Filing an IND

| Sponsored by Regis

What are the most important things to consider when filing an IND? This infographic, sponsored by Regis, sets out the five key steps to success.

Business & Regulation Technology and Equipment

Staying Connected

| Maryam Mahdi

How can a mobile app help in medical adherence?

Manufacture Facilities

Innovation in Biopharma Education

| James Strachan

The Jefferson Institute for Bioprocessing is up and running after just two years. How did they do it? And what courses are on offer?

Business & Regulation Supply Chain

A Digital Transformation in Supply

| Maryam Mahdi

Maeve Magner explains how digital solutions can improve the supply chains of emerging economies.

Discovery & Development Clinical Trials

Of Men and Mice

| James Strachan

Male animal bias in preclinical research isn’t scientifically justified and may be skewing our understanding of the brain.

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Choose Your Playing Field

| Grace Linton

Before you start building a new ATMP facility, there is one essential element that you need to get right: site selection.

Discovery & Development Clinical Trials

Choice Matters

| Maryam Mahdi

A new vaccine could help give people at risk of HIV more options.

Business & Regulation Trends & Forecasts

Redefining Pharma

| James Strachan

Should pharma companies transition from developing, manufacturing and pricing “drugs” to promoting “health”?

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