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Standards & Regulation

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

The True Cost of Falsified Medicine

| Roisin McGuigan

A recent review and meta-analysis highlights the huge impact of fake and substandard drugs.

Manufacture Clinical Trials

Right for Patients?

| Ellen Sigal

“Right to Try” legislation may have compassion at its heart, but it does not do enough to ensure patient protection.

Manufacture Standards & Regulation

The Costs of the Counterfeit Battle

| Maarten Van Baelen

Fighting counterfeit medicines is a noble goal, but the financial burden of safety features may affect access to medicines in unintended ways.

Business & Regulation Small Molecules

The Marijuana Medicine Makers

| Kevin Hennessy

Interest in cannabinoid drug development is growing. The potential market – and the opportunity to treat unmet patient needs – is enormous.

Manufacture Standards & Regulation

Getting to Grips With the New Generation

| Herb Lutz and Brian Hubbard

How will biopharmaceutical process development be affected by next-generation technologies?

Business & Regulation Packaging

Designing Packaging for the Elderly

| Stephen Wilkins

Why are we still making life difficult for a growing patient population when solutions exist?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

MAICing a Decision

| James Strachan

Do methods that compare newly approved drugs with those already on the market help cut healthcare costs?

Business & Regulation Business Practice

Brexit: Preparing Is Caring

| James Strachan

Most, but not all, UK pharma companies are on track to keep their medicines on the European market by March, 2019.

Business & Regulation Standards & Regulation

Too Many Cooks

| Roisin McGuigan

Thought that most companies understood good manufacturing practice? Think again – there are always a few bad eggs.

Manufacture Business Practice

Make China Great Again

| James Strachan

China is upping its game with plans to revolutionize its manufacturing industries, including pharma.

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