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Drug Discovery

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

ADCs: Still Room for Improvement!

| Antoine Attinger

Antibody drug conjugates are starting to transform cancer treatments, so let’s maintain the momentum.

Business & Regulation Clinical Trials

Paranoid or Prepared?

| Angus Stewart

Stating an intention to be ready to win in any biowarzone, the US military has commissioned Dynavax to develop a vaccine for the plague.

Business & Regulation COVID-19


| Angus Stewart

Setting its sights on self-amplifying RNA, AstraZeneca has signed a deal with Imperial College London spinoff VaxEquity.

Discovery & Development Clinical Trials

Please, Sir, May I Have Some Samples?

| Robert Hewitt

Biotech companies need good patient samples, but hospitals are not always obliging...

Discovery & Development Ingredients

Natural Born Therapeutics

| Angus Stewart

Researchers at Trinity College Dublin explain how they are reaching into the natural environment to source new bioactives.

Discovery & Development Advanced Medicine

The Power of Analysis

Analytical science has a key role to play in the development of new pharmaceutical products – from discovery, to protein analysis, to quality control.

Discovery & Development Vaccines

Backwards Vax Moves Forward

| Angus Stewart

A University of Buffalo team has produced a reverse vaccination to help manage the symptoms of various chronic and autoimmune conditions.

Discovery & Development Technology and Equipment

Single Cell Multiomics and Mechanical Minds

A wall of data stands between humankind and a revolution in our understanding of the body and its systems. AI can tear it down.

Discovery & Development Drug Discovery

Closer to the Boundary

| Angus Stewart

A Korean team have conducted a study on a peptide that could help to produce medicines capable of crossing cell membranes and interfering with PPIs.

Manufacture Technology and Equipment

The Innovation Awards Are Back - And Nominations Close Soon

Our Innovation Awards will celebrate the highest-impact pharma development and manufacturing technologies released during 2021.

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