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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Articles by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Manufacture Vaccines

Taking the mRNA Highway from Development to Commercialization

| Serena Fries Smith

Driven by the success of COVID-19 vaccines, mRNA products are expanding drug developers’ pipelines.

Manufacture Supply Chain

Mapping out Material Resilience for Biopharmaceutical Supply Chains

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

A short guide to strengthening raw materials supply chains in the biopharma industry, featuring Luis Bianchi Pintos from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Business & Regulation Supply Chain

Building Resilience in the Supply Chain

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

We catch up with Christine Callahan from Thermo Fisher Scientific about how suppliers and customers need to reimagine their business models.

Business & Regulation Supply Chain

Strengthening Supply Chains Post-Pandemic

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

We spoke to Prateek Gadhoke, Global Head of Specialty Care Procurement at Sanofi, to ask what makes a strong supply chain.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Improve Purification Process Efficiency:eBook

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

In this eBook, experts give their views on enhancing downstream purification.

Manufacture Bioprocessing - Upstream & Downstream

Capturing Value in Changing Times

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

The increasing complexity of biologics raises significant manufacturing challenges – not least regarding cost control and downstream purification.

Mapping Out MAM

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Amgen has brought the Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) into the mainstream, but what’s next for this analytical workflow. Click to read article

Focus on Quality – and the Rest Will Follow

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Amgen developed the Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) to obtain high-fidelity understanding of the quality of its own biologics. Click to read article

Manufacture Advanced Medicine

Optimizing AAV Manufacture

| Orjana Terova, Zoltan Gulyas

Gene therapies look set to revolutionize the field of medicine – and AAVs have emerged as the vector of choice.

Manufacture Vaccines

A Shot in the Arm for mRNA Vaccines

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Manufacturers have a unique opportunity to take advantage of the cost and time advantages associated with Oligo(dT) – the adoption process is simple.

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